SpywareSignatures is the world’s most comprehensive, constantly updated list of all sorts of online threats like Spyware, Keyloggers, Trojans, Browser Hijackers, Dialer and many more. Incase you are threatened by any malware and you want to know everything about it, you are at the right place. Incase you find any suspicious software/service in your PC that you don’t recognize and also the same is not listed on our website, please contact through our Report New Spyware Page by or if you would like us to reconsider any software listed on our site please visit our dispute form page.

SNo. Spyware Name Threat Level
931 KeyTrap Elevated Risk
932 KeyTrapper High Risk
933 Keyboard Collector Elevated Risk
934 Keyboard Express Medium Risk
935 Keyboard Guardian High Risk
936 Keyboard Monitor Elevated Risk
937 Keyhole-Spy Elevated Risk
938 Keylogger Express High Risk
939 Keylogger King Home Elevated Risk
940 KeyloggerPro Severe Risk
941 Keystroke Shortcut Recorder Elevated Risk
942 Keystroke Spy Elevated Risk
943 KidControl Elevated Risk
944 Kidlogger Elevated Risk
945 Kidsnapper Moderate Risk
946 KillAndClean High Risk
947 King Solomons Casino Low Risk
948 Kiwi Alpha Medium Risk
949 KnowItNow Moderate Risk
950 KoloSoft SE
951 Kompass Toolbar Moderate Risk
952 KooWoLyrics Low Risk
953 KoolBar Moderate Risk
954 Kubao Low Risk
955 Kword.InterKey Elevated Risk
956 LANVisor Elevated Risk
957 LANVisor 1.8 Elevated Risk
958 LanAgent Elevated Risk
959 Lewd Leprechauns Screensaver 1.0 Elevated Risk
960 Lightyear Blaster Moderate Risk