SpywareSignatures is the world’s most comprehensive, constantly updated list of all sorts of online threats like Spyware, Keyloggers, Trojans, Browser Hijackers, Dialer and many more. Incase you are threatened by any malware and you want to know everything about it, you are at the right place. Incase you find any suspicious software/service in your PC that you don’t recognize and also the same is not listed on our website, please contact through our Report New Spyware Page by or if you would like us to reconsider any software listed on our site please visit our dispute form page.

SNo. Spyware Name Threat Level
1741 The Ultimate Spyware-Adware Remover Elevated Risk
1742 Thinkertec SpyPal Elevated Risk
1743 Tickerbar Elevated Risk
1744 TightVNC Low Risk
1745 TimeSink Elevated Risk
1746 Tinny Toolbar Medium
1747 Tiny KeyLogger High Risk
1748 Tiny Spy Agent Elevated Risk
1749 Titan Poker High
1750 TitanShield High Risk
1751 TizzleTalk Elevated Risk
1752 Tong Keylogger Elevated Risk
1753 ToolBar.Bybar Elevated Risk
1754 Toolbar Gamming Moderate Risk
1755 Toolbar Software Moderate Risk
1756 Toolbar888 High
1757 Toolfish Utility Suite Moderate Risk
1758 ToolsAnywhere Keylogger Lite Elevated Risk
1759 TopFive Search Assistant Elevated Risk
1760 TopSearch Elevated Risk
1761 Topinstalls.ForgetMeNot Low Risk
1762 Torrent Toolbar Moderate Risk
1763 Torrent101 Low Risk
1764 Total Spy 2.5 Elevated Risk
1765 TotalRC Low Risk
1766 Toy Trouble Moderate Risk
1767 Track4Win High Risk
1768 TrackZapper Medium Risk
1769 TrackZapper System Cleanser Elevated Risk
1770 Trojan Guarder Gold Moderate Risk