SpywareSignatures is the world’s most comprehensive, constantly updated list of all sorts of online threats like Spyware, Keyloggers, Trojans, Browser Hijackers, Dialer and many more. Incase you are threatened by any malware and you want to know everything about it, you are at the right place. Incase you find any suspicious software/service in your PC that you don’t recognize and also the same is not listed on our website, please contact through our Report New Spyware Page by or if you would like us to reconsider any software listed on our site please visit our dispute form page.


SNo. Delisted Malware
1 Anti Adware Pro
2 Crawler Toolbar
3 MalWhere
4 MaxAntiSpyware
5 NoAdware
6 PC Power Sweeper
7 Pop Preventer
8 Popup Assassin Pro
9 RegDoctor
10 SearchWebMe SearchBar
11 Security Suite
12 SpionFrei & Kau Antivirus
13 SpyEmergency
14 SpyStopper
15 Spyware Nuker XT
16 Spyware Terminator
17 SpywareDetector
18 SpywareFighter
19 WinDriveCleaner