
Purityscan is an adware that is bundled with other adware components that uses aggressive advertising. It changes the default browser settings and also works in background. Adware.Purityscan installs with MYBetProtector, the installer Provided is of MyNetProtector which will install Adware.Purityscan . Purityscan is an adware that is bundled with other adware components that uses aggressive advertising. It changes the default browser settings and also works in background. Adware.Purityscan installs with MYBetProtector, the installer Provided is of MyNetProtector which will install Adware.Purityscan .0

General information:

Malware Name: Purityscan
Malware Type: Adware
Company Name: ClickSpring LLC
Company URL: http://purityscan.com/
Threat Level: Medium Risk
Operating System: WIN XP
Installation Type: Installed through EXE
Operation: Time of After Installation

Company Description:

ClickSpring LLC provides you the software Purityscan that is a free tool that thoroughly checks your computer for objectionable content. PurityScan scours your computer files and Internet history for triggers that may lead to something objectionable. When it locates questionable content, it displays the URL, word, or file name in a display table, displaying those files that have a high probability of being objectionable.

Spyware Description:

Purityscan is an adware that is bundled with other adware components that uses aggressive advertising. It changes the default browser settings and also works in background. Adware.Purityscan installs with MYBetProtector, the installer Provided is of MyNetProtector which will install Adware.Purityscan . Purityscan is an adware that is bundled with other adware components that uses aggressive advertising. It changes the default browser settings and also works in background. Adware.Purityscan installs with MYBetProtector, the installer Provided is of MyNetProtector which will install Adware.Purityscan .0


    -> It is bundled with other adware components. -> Shows advertisements -> Works in stealth mode -> Changes browser settings.

Additional information might be found here:

google Search at Google for Purityscan
bing Search at Bing for Purityscan
yahoo Search at Yahoo for Purityscan

Processes Running:


File information Created after Installation:

File Location Size (Bytes) Type
C:\Documents and Settings\priya\Start Menu\Programs\PurityScan\PurityScan.lnk 588 Shortcut
C:\Program Files\PurityScan\PuritySCAN.exe 100864 Application

Folder information Created after Installation:

Folder Location

Registry information Created after Installation:

Main Registry Key Sub Registry Key Key Value Name
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\PurityScan [NULL]0
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\PurityScan\sear1 [NULL]0