
Qyule is a Chinese oriented adware program which can be installed withour the knowledge of the user. It can also download other infections on the infected system.0

General information:

Malware Name: Qyule
Malware Type: Adware
Company Name: qyule.com Inc.
Company URL: http://qyule.com/
Threat Level: Elevated Risk
Operating System: WIN XP
Installation Type: Installed through EXE
Operation: Time of After Installation

Company Description:

qyule.com Inc. provides us the software Qyule that is a Chinese oriented program.

Spyware Description:

Qyule is a Chinese oriented adware program which can be installed withour the knowledge of the user. It can also download other infections on the infected system.0


    -> This is another Chinese oriented adware program. -> It may be installed without adequate notice and consent, often though exploits. -> The application shows a high number of ads. -> It tracks online browsing habits.0

Additional information might be found here:

google Search at Google for Qyule
bing Search at Bing for Qyule
yahoo Search at Yahoo for Qyule

Processes Running:


File information Created after Installation:

File Location Size (Bytes) Type
C:\Program Files\Qyule\Data\socket\sf.qyule.com\tu0616\zipai.gif 2398 GIF Image
C:\WINDOWS\system32\qylprotocol.dll 31744 Application Extension
C:\WINDOWS\system32\qylrmplayer.ocx 327680 ActiveX Control

Folder information Created after Installation:

Folder Location
C:\Program Files\Qyule
C:\Program Files\Qyule\ad

Registry information Created after Installation:

Main Registry Key Sub Registry Key Key Value Name
HKEY_CURRENT_USER SoftwareSmartClientqyuleSplitter Panes_0
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\SmartClient\qyule
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\SmartClient\qyule\Userinfo