Spyware Stormer

Spyware Stormer, Inc. has implemented numerous security features to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to personal information. Spyware Stormer, Inc. may collect and/or track the home server domain names, email addresses, type of client computer, files downloaded, search engine used, operating system, and type of web browser of visitors to Spyware Stormer, Inc.'s web service, the email addresses of visitors that communicate with Spyware Stormer, Inc. via email, information knowingly provided by the visitor in online forms, registration forms, surveys, email, contest entries, and other online avenues (including demographic and personal profile data), and aggregate and user-specific information on which pages visitors access.0

General information:

Malware Name: Spyware Stormer
Malware Type: Adware
Company Name: Spyware Stormer
Company URL: http://www.spywarestormer.com/
Threat Level: High
Operating System: WIN XP
Installation Type: Installed through EXE
Operation: Time of After Installation

Company Description:

Spyware Stormer, Inc. has implemented numerous security features to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to personal information. Spyware Stormer, Inc. may collect and/or track the home server domain names, email addresses, type of client computer, files downloaded, search engine used, operating system, and type of web browser of visitors to Spyware Stormer, Inc.'s web service, the email addresses of visitors that communicate with Spyware Stormer, Inc. via email, information knowingly provided by the visitor in online forms, registration forms, surveys, email, contest entries, and other online avenues (including demographic and personal profile data), and aggregate and user-specific information on which pages visitors access.

Spyware Description:

Spyware Stormer, Inc. has implemented numerous security features to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to personal information. Spyware Stormer, Inc. may collect and/or track the home server domain names, email addresses, type of client computer, files downloaded, search engine used, operating system, and type of web browser of visitors to Spyware Stormer, Inc.'s web service, the email addresses of visitors that communicate with Spyware Stormer, Inc. via email, information knowingly provided by the visitor in online forms, registration forms, surveys, email, contest entries, and other online avenues (including demographic and personal profile data), and aggregate and user-specific information on which pages visitors access.0


    -> Shows popup ads -> It also associates with other Adwares -> Track the home server domain names -> Implemented numerous security features0

Additional information might be found here:

google Search at Google for Spyware Stormer
bing Search at Bing for Spyware Stormer
yahoo Search at Yahoo for Spyware Stormer

Processes Running:


File information Created after Installation:

File Location Size (Bytes) Type
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Spyware Stormer\Spyware Stormer.lnk 677 Shortcut
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Spyware Stormer\Uninstall.lnk 529 Shortcut
C:\Program Files\Spyware Stormer\Spyware Stormer.url 55 Internet Shortcut

Folder information Created after Installation:

Folder Location

Registry information Created after Installation:

Main Registry Key Sub Registry Key Key Value Name
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Spyware Stormer Publisher
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Spyware Stormer URLInfoAbout
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Spyware Stormer UninstallString