
Installs silently along with other adware and spyware programs. Adds an IE toolbar. It is also known as Bundleware.Freeprod Toolbar or FreeProd Toolbar.Freeprod free products installs an Internet Explorer Toolbar, often bundled with other potentially unwanted software such as emotion smiley, games etc.0

General information:

Malware Name: Toolbar888
Malware Type: Adware
Company Name:
Company URL:
Threat Level: High
Operating System: WIN XP
Installation Type: Installed through EXE
Operation: Time of After browser restart.

Company Description:

Installs silently along with other adware and spyware programs. Adds an IE toolbar. It is also known as Bundleware.Freeprod Toolbar or FreeProd Toolbar.

Spyware Description:

Installs silently along with other adware and spyware programs. Adds an IE toolbar. It is also known as Bundleware.Freeprod Toolbar or FreeProd Toolbar.Freeprod free products installs an Internet Explorer Toolbar, often bundled with other potentially unwanted software such as emotion smiley, games etc.0


    -> Keeps watch on the user’s browsing activity -> Shows popup messages. -> Slows the browser -> Changes the browser’s search settings -> Installs other bundle programs -> Installs silently and works in background0

Additional information might be found here:

google Search at Google for Toolbar888
bing Search at Bing for Toolbar888
yahoo Search at Yahoo for Toolbar888

Processes Running:


File information Created after Installation:

File Location Size (Bytes) Type
C:\Program Files\Common Files\InetGet\freeprodtb.exe 250463 Application
C:\Program Files\Toolbar888\ToolBar888.crc 125 CRC File
C:\Program Files\Toolbar888\logo.bmp 5094 Bitmap Image

Folder information Created after Installation:

Folder Location
C:\Program Files\Toolbar888
C:\Program Files\Toolbar888\Cache

Registry information Created after Installation:

Main Registry Key Sub Registry Key Key Value Name
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\XBTB04715\Toolbar\tb_items Widthcombo11
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallXBTB04715.XBTB04715Toolbar DisplayName
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\XBTB04715.XBTB04715Toolbar UninstallString