
Trustyfiles is an adware that is bundled with adware components and uses aggressive, deceptive advertising. Trustyfiles is an adware that is bundled with adware components and uses aggressive, deceptive advertising.0

General information:

Malware Name: Trustyfiles
Malware Type: Adware
Company Name: TrustyFiles Pro software
Company URL:
Threat Level: Moderate Risk
Operating System: WIN XP
Installation Type: Installed through EXE
Operation: Time of After Installation

Company Description:

TrustyFiles Pro software provides you the software Trustyfiles that includes one year of TrustyFiles and Pro updates and with no banner and pop upads. It also includes 4.9 MB harmful IP address blocklist. It has an email technical support.

Spyware Description:

Trustyfiles is an adware that is bundled with adware components and uses aggressive, deceptive advertising. Trustyfiles is an adware that is bundled with adware components and uses aggressive, deceptive advertising.0


    -> It can be bundled with other adware components. -> The adware components installed show aggressive, deceptive advertising.

Additional information might be found here:

google Search at Google for Trustyfiles
bing Search at Bing for Trustyfiles
yahoo Search at Yahoo for Trustyfiles

Processes Running:


File information Created after Installation:

File Location Size (Bytes) Type
C:\Program Files\TrustyFiles\Data\Nodes.dat 17883 DAT File
C:\Program Files\TrustyFiles\Data\Schemas\audio.xml 616 XML Document
C:\Program Files\TrustyFiles\Idle.dll 143360 Application Extension

Folder information Created after Installation:

Folder Location
C:\Program Files\TrustyFiles
C:\Program Files\TrustyFiles\Data

Registry information Created after Installation:

Main Registry Key Sub Registry Key Key Value Name
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\TrustyFiles\TrustyFiles\Lists Download.SortItem0
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\TrustyFiles\TrustyFiles\Lists MyFiles.ColumnHidden0
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\TrustyFiles\TrustyFiles\Lists MyFiles.ColumnOrder0