SpywareSignatures is the world’s most comprehensive, constantly updated list of all sorts of online threats like Spyware, Keyloggers, Trojans, Browser Hijackers, Dialer and many more. Incase you are threatened by any malware and you want to know everything about it, you are at the right place. Incase you find any suspicious software/service in your PC that you don’t recognize and also the same is not listed on our website, please contact through our Report New Spyware Page by or if you would like us to reconsider any software listed on our site please visit our dispute form page.

SNo. Spyware Name Threat Level
751 Girafa Toolbar Elevated Risk
752 Give4Free Plugin Moderate Risk
753 GiveMeToo High Risk
754 Gnucleus High Risk
755 Go!Zilla Low Risk
756 Go.Com Toolbar High
757 Gogo Tools High Risk
758 Golden Eye High Risk
759 Golden Keylogger Elevated Risk
760 Golden Palace Casino Low Risk
761 GoldenAntiSpy High Risk
762 Golf Scenic Reflections 3.0 Low Risk
763 GoodBye Spy Elevate Risk
764 Goodbye Summer High Risk
765 Goostick Moderate Risk
766 GotSmiley High
767 GoverLAN Low Risk
768 Grace Casino Moderate Risk
769 GralicWrap Low Risk
770 Grand Canyon Scenic Reflections 3.0 Low Risk
771 Great Lakes Lighthouses Scenic Reflections 3.0 Low Risk
772 Great Mahjong High
773 Greeez Toolbar Moderate Risk
774 Groowe Search Toolbar Moderate Risk
775 GuardBar Toolbar High
776 GuardCenter Elevated Risk
777 Guardian Monitor Elevated Risk
778 Guitar Toolbar Elevated Risk
779 Gythol Granditti Moderate Risk
780 HDTBar High