SpywareSignatures is the world’s most comprehensive, constantly updated list of all sorts of online threats like Spyware, Keyloggers, Trojans, Browser Hijackers, Dialer and many more. Incase you are threatened by any malware and you want to know everything about it, you are at the right place. Incase you find any suspicious software/service in your PC that you don’t recognize and also the same is not listed on our website, please contact through our Report New Spyware Page by or if you would like us to reconsider any software listed on our site please visit our dispute form page.

SNo. Spyware Name Threat Level
1651 StartGuard Low Risk
1652 StartNow Toolbar Moderate Risk
1653 StartupBHO Elevated Risk
1654 Starware Moderate Risk
1655 Starware Auctions Toolbar Moderate Risk
1656 Starware Band of Buddies Toolbar Moderate Risk
1657 Starware Entertainment Toolbar Moderate Risk
1658 Starware Horoscopes Toolbar Moderate Risk
1659 Starware Jokes Toolbar Moderate Risk
1660 Starware Jokes(390) Toolbar Moderate Risk
1661 Starware Lottery Toolbar Moderate Risk
1662 Starware Maps Toolbar Moderate Risk
1663 Starware Musik Moderate Risk
1664 Starware News Toolbar Moderate Risk
1665 Starware Recipe Toolbar Moderate Risk
1666 Starware Smileytown Toolbar Moderate Risk
1667 Starware Toolbar High
1668 Starware Toolbar Recettes Moderate Risk
1669 Starware Toolbar di Musica Moderate Risk
1670 Starware Toolbar di Ricette Moderate Risk
1671 Starware Travel Toolbar Moderate Risk
1672 Starware.CursorCafe Low Risk
1673 Starware.Toolbar v3.2.2 Moderate Risk
1674 StarwareMusicToolbar Moderate Risk
1675 StarwareToolbar318 Moderate Risk
1676 StatBlaster Elevated Risk
1677 StatWin Elevated Risk
1678 StatWin Pro High Risk
1679 StaticX Elevated Risk
1680 Stealth Chat Monitor Elevated Risk